Tuesday, July 15, 2008

How to have children without marriage

You can have a family without getting MARRIED!

(Follow the link in the title to the original thread on mASF to see how HOT this topic is in the seduction community)

Why not simply make contractual arrangements with a series of women (as many as your wealth will allow) to impregnate them, and help them support the children? The contract would spell out how much support is expected from you (adjusted annually for inflation) visitation rights (assuming you want those) and when the support will end. Negotiate whatever level of parenting you wish from the woman at the outset – from 50/50 shared custody, to 100% the woman takes care of your offspring.

You could set up trust funds and trustees in advance earmarking money for offspring you plan to father in the future, and insuring that the money went to the children and not to support a lazy mother.

This is a win/win/win scenario – You, the woman, and the children all have a much better chance of living happy lives is such an arrangement is made up front, rather that relying on chance and fate in a traditional marriage. Of course if you later DECIDE to marry one of the women, you could re-negotiate the arrangement – but why would you do THAT?

Last night, it finally hit me - The REAL reason I've been gaming and studying seduction these past couple of years...

I'm 43. By all societal norms, I should be married, divorced, with a pissed off greedy x-wife, 2 fucked up teenage kids, and paying alimony and child support, while feeling sorry for myself and trying to bang 20 yr olds so I can re-marry and make the same mistakes all over again.

Some background:

Children of divorce have a much harder time throughout their lives than even orphans. They have high rates of delinquency, suicide, and drug abuse. Massive trouble with depression, anxiety, and especially in forming lasting relationships.

Many guys get their GFs pregnant “accidentally” and then panic, thinking the need to marry, pay child support, disappear, or have the kid aborted.

Marriage DOES NOT WORK for the majority of people in our modern world. At least ½ end in divorce, with HUGE societal consequences.

How many people stay married, yet HATE each other – also damaging the children?

How many CHEAT and LIE and go outside of the relationship for sex and love?

How many people are truly, happily monogamously married for LIFE?

Yea….That’s what I thought! Just a guess, but I’d say that it’s under 10% of married couples. 90% are going to have some level of dis-functionality and the resulting psychic damage inflicted on the offspring, who will then re-enact it with THEIR offspring, thus passing the disease down through the generations.

But does it HAVE to be this way?

I’ve noticed something recently in my field work with women aged 25 to 35 or so:


….Or do they? When you dig just a little deeper into their motivations, you find that it is NOT about marriage for LOVE of a man. but the MAIN REASON is because they want, no, they NEED to have a child. This is a biological necessity. Their bodies literally SCREAM for pregnancy. One women told me that menstrual cramps dissipate after a woman has children. This is why women “forget” to take the pill. This is how nature programmed them. Marriage is about status, expectations and social pressure to be sure, but the reason women enter it is to SACNCTION sex for procreation, and lock down a PROVIDER for her children.

Last night I was with a young 27yr old who confided in me that “I just want children before it’s too late – I don’t really need to be married…”

That hit me in the face like a FUCKING BRICK.


In our modern western society, women do not NEED the protection of a man from tigers and shit. They are also increasingly able to make good money in the professional world. They can both have a child and support it. This then frees them from the bonds of monogamy, and allows them to explore and indulge in the polyamorous behaviors that are NATURAL –

The modern woman can have children with MULTIPLE MEN, increasing genetic diversity and thus the chances of her genes surviving. If you doubt this get the book “Sperm wars”.


This is in essence a return to primitive biology – but in the context of modern post-industrial culture.

Why was marriage originally conceived? In small tribes, monogamy was unheard of. The fertile women were passed around by the men because their would be few women able to bear children v/s the number of virile men. Many women would be too young, too old, or would die in childbirth. Male sperm thus evolved to be mostly “killer sperm” designed to fight the sperm of other males in the reproductive tract of females who were mating with several men. This also led men to leave their tribe and capture other females for breeding purposes. You can see echoes of this in the Old testament stories of rape and pillage, where “god” tells the Israelites to “kill all the men and boys” and take their women as concubines”

Our selfish genes at work.

Marriage evolved as a CULTURAL institution, sanctioned by religion, to promote societal stability, and has traditionally been about property and alliances. Only about 500 years ago, with the rise of the troubadour was “romantic love” seen as the primary reason for such unions.


So if we accept the above, what is the point of marriage? Assuming you do not hold traditional religious beliefs and are awake to the realities of evolutionary biology and it’s implications for mating and reproduction….


Well, to have kids, RIGHT?

Bullshit. Guys get married because of EGO and DELSUIONS of finding their “one and only” then, when she starts to betaize them, they become bitter and disillusioned. Fights start, the kids are put in the middle – torn between two warring parents, their loyalty divided. Eventually one or both partners go outside of the marriage, leading to further problems with shame and guilt stemming from the fact that they cannot keep their vows. This spiral of shame finally ends with a SPLAT On the pavement of family court, with the man getting FUCKED. His wife will now use his material goods and offspring as bargaining chips in a deadly war to protect her young, get revenge, and secure his resources for them. This will be backed by LAWS that favor the woman is such proceedings. The vehemence of her attacks will be limited only by her relative sanity and vindictiveness. She may accuse him of all sorts of things like battery and sexual abuse in an attempt to gain the upper hand.


The man is quite likely to become suicidal – his rates are 4 times that of women post divorce. The children will have severe emotional trauma from this as well. And the woman will likely carry a bitterness and hatred towards men for the rest of her life.

My theroy is that if you were to arrange a sort of “no fault” parenthood, children would never know of married life, and thus would not miss it.

I have a whole bunch of women in my life that want babies, and I’m even thinking that under such an arrangement fatherhood sounds OK, even cool.

I just cant see myself getting MARRIED.