Friday, November 14, 2008

Dealing with Challenging Women (Part 1)

The following is an e-mail exchange I had recently with one of my more difficult girlfriends:

She started the exchange with a e-mail about a "Boat and Breakfast":

Please feel free to email me if you have any questions.

Thank you!


(Difficult Girl)


Are you asking me out on a date?



Haha, you wish?

I actually meeting my BF's parents for dinner next week:)


(Difficult Girl)



Which one?


what do u mean which one?

the one and only:)

he's not the hottest or best looking, but he's definitely the sweetest, the cutest!

Please feel free to email me if you have any questions.

Thank you!


(Difficult Girl)



You have at least two others:

The hottest...


The best looking... well, I know I'm super good looking, but I'm much hotter than "good looking", and I'm sure as hell not "sweet" or "cute"...

We should hang out again sometime soon...great gourmet shop around the corner...I've been cooking a lot for my girlfriends's on her way over right now...




Mr. hottest and Mr. best looking are the same person, the one you met at my birthday dinner:)

Ha! My bf's cooking / making sandwich all the time:)

We should all get together for dinner some time:)

We usually have family dinner on Sunday night. Pasta and wine plus Dexter. You should bring your GF.

I'm soooo nervous about meeting his mom~

Please feel free to email me if you have any questions.

Thank you!


(Difficult Girl)


Her: LOL~

Mr. hottest and Mr. best looking are the same person, the one you met at my birthday dinner:)

Me: Yea, but I though he was gay?

Her: Ha! My bf's cooking / making sandwich all the time:)

Me: That's woman’s work... I buy the food, the bitch cooks it...that's just how I roll...

Her: We should all get together for dinner some time:)

Me: Last time I did that, I ended up having a 3 way with the guy and his girlfriend. I was fun! I know you are pretty adventurous, but what about your guy?

Her: We usually have family dinner on Sunday night. Pasta and wine plus Dexter. You should bring your GF.

Me: Which one? The Vietnamese model, The Persian girl, The Swedish girl, The French one, the Croat, one of the Americans, or all of them?

(Just how adventurous are you anyway?)

Her: I'm soooo nervous about meeting his mom~

Me: Hahahahaha.....why?


What makes you think that he's gay?
Did he checked you out? Did he ask you out?
I know there are guys came out of the closet because of him.
He's really fast when it come to driving.
Whenever we go out, ppl check him out ALL THE TIME!

Ha! My bf's cooking / making sandwich all the time:)

That's woman’s work... I buy the food, the bitch cooks it...that's just how I roll...

My sweetie bought the food, and he cooks.
Btw, Majority of the cooks are male in case you don't know.
And your GF is NOT your maid~!

I didn't know that you are part of the butt plug club.
Don't even think about it.
1. I'm not as "adventurous" as you think.
2. My sweetie was raised in Catholic school, he's super conservative, he votes for McCain, and "YES" on 8.
3. I thought you have a GF.

We usually have family dinner on Sunday night. Pasta and wine plus Dexter. You should bring your GF.

Which one? The Vietnamese model, The Persian girl, The Swedish girl, The French one, the Croat, one of the Americans, or all of them?

(Just how adventurous are you anyway?)

You are terrible.
Just like my BF's roommate.
Male whore.
One day, you will fall in love with a girl, sooo in love that you will give up everything for her, and I hope she will dump you, so that you will finally learn something about karma.

(FYI, I'm NOT adventurous AT ALL with others).

I'm soooo nervous about meeting his mom~


Errrrrrrrrrrr... Hello? Coz I'm meeting his mom for the 1st time!


Me: are so egotistical.... You remind me of douchebag guys who drive Ferraris and date hot chicks just to show off. Get over yourself...



Hey, as long as you give me hot blowjobs on demand (no teeth either!), no problem. I also like my shirts ironed and folded, and lightly starched. The kids better be clean and well fed when I get home too.

I didn't know that you are part of the butt plug club.

Butt plugs are fun! But what I really like are strapon dildos.....unfortunately, very few women know how to properly fuck a guy with one. It requires strong hips and proper rhythm and timing to get me off.

Don't even think about it.
1. I'm not as "adventurous" as you think.

Oh, I know are not adventurous - you are like a church mouse when it comes to sex...timid, and full of shame and hang ups about your body. Very judgmental too. I'll bet it's easier for you when you're drunk though....Be honest - that's when you have the best sex - trouble is you cant remember what you did the next day...


2. My sweetie was raised in Catholic school, he's super conservative, he votes for McCain, and "YES" on 8.

You didn't tell me you were dating a retard. That gives you one point in the plus column in my book. Compassion for retards is important. Just remember - there is no god, McCain is an erratic, mean old man, and gays should be able to see how hellish marriage is for themselves.

3. I thought you have a GF.

I have several. You have a problem with that?

You are terrible.


Just like my BF's roommate.
Male whore.

That's not a very nice thing to say. You do know where babies come from right?

One day, you will fall in love with a girl, sooo in love that you will give up everything for her, and I hope she will dump you, so that you will finally learn something about karma.

I love all my girlfriends, even the difficult ones like you. They all know about each other - look at my facebook page. Some have sex with me, some are just friends. We all care about each other very much. Romantic love is a mental disease however - it's the worst reason to do anything, much less "give up everything".

I have no respect for women who demand that from men. They are leeches. A women has to contribute as much as I do or more.

That's just how I roll.....

Errrrrrrrrrrr... Hello? Coz I'm meeting his mom for the 1st time!

So? Just be yourself......

Wait, no don't do that....try to be nice, generous, and non judgmental. Drop your egoism and try to connect with her as a human being...not some hurdle to overcome on your quest to exclusively own your boyfriend's cock, balls, and resources in holy matrimony....

Good Luck!




He's sooo cute that I just cannot get over with.
We had soooo much in common, and with him, I felt warm and secure.
It took me a LONG time move on.

Hot BJ is not as good as hot water + ice BJ:p

So you do like to be plugged. Reverse role play? EWWWWWWWWWWWW~

No matter how drunk I am, I still remember all the things I did. The best sex I had was when I was stoned.

Even me and him cannot agree on ALL the politically issues. But still, I like him a lot! And he is NOT a retard. He's very successful, smart, fun, sweet, loving and caring, traditional family oriented, has strict morality. I respect that.

You have several GFs. Do they each have several BFs?

I do know where babies come from. But there are differences between the planned/wanted babies and unplanned/unwanted/oops/surprise babies. No one wish for abortions and STDs.

That's sad. When you really love someone, you can't see anyone else around you. All you can see is that one person.

LOL~ I AM nice to my BF's family. His brother came last week, and he liked me:) Just I'm worried that his mom might be one of those red neck McCain fans.
Btw, my BF is one who keeps asking "r u mine" or saying "u r mine", not me. But...I like it.

How's work and everything?

(Difficult girl)


Note how I deal with her challenges. She brings up her "BF" in an attempt to establish herself as the prize in the interaction, and to manipulate me into supplicating or pursuing her. She is a very beautiful girl, with a lot of male attention. Women do this instictually - don't get angry or hurt - use it to your advantage. She is actually subcommunitcating that she wants me to chase her - that she see me as desireable. Remeber that it is a trap she is setting, and that she is not even aware of it.

I redirect the meaning of her communication with selective mis-interpretations of her words, and by changing the subject. This puts her on the defensive - and in the end, she spends a long time qualifying herself and her motives. You will rarely have sex with women who do not qualify themselves. You need to set frames where they are foreced to qualify themselves of end the interaction.

Note that she constatly tests the frames I establish by implying or stating that I'm a "Whore" or that I'm "Terrible" or even "Gay" Note how I re-direct that negative energy back at her in a playful way.

Dont get angry - this is how many women become sexually aroused - through game playing.


Anonymous said...


I don't know why you are publishising this. It's just embarrassing for YOU.

You will NEVER get a girl like this.

Beautiful, not too bright (her syntax is atrocious) girls like this will MARRY the hot conservative family-value guy all day long.

And, if after meeting his family, she doesn't measure up for whatever reason, HE will dump her for someone even better.

All you are displaying is mental masturbation. Priding yourself on clever comebacks and re-frames to nowhere that reasonable people instantly perceive as childishly adolescent, snarky and ultimately desperate.

This is like a transcript of a phone sex conversation. She's just being polite and you have no idea you're the one getting hosed.

In short, this snippet reveals you to be everything you are trying not to be...

Big Daddy

Baddog said...

See Part 2...
