Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Why should men study seduction?

When you study music, the first thing you learn is theory and notation. You might have a song in your heart, but without understanding the rules and language of musical expression, that song will remain gibberish. I've come to learn that love is much the same. When people first meet and feel love at first sight, it’s not love: its just a powerful attraction.
This is how nature tricks us into making babies. It's cool, but it's not love. With time, you might actually grow to love each other. When I feel this sort of attraction for a woman I recognize it for what it is and honor it, but I have enough control over my emotions to choose how to act on it.
Now, I don't know what you think, but I find that fucking a wide variety of beautiful women is FUN! Call it shallow if you like, but hey, it's like mining for gold - you will probably have to go through a lot of women before you find "the one” =)
It’s important to understand women, the games they play with men, why they play these games, and the rules of attraction. Why is it that women can sit around endlessly discussing how to land a man, but if men do it about women, its “gay”?
Young, attractive women have a huge advantage in social situations. PUA's simply use women's own weapons to even the playing field. Even married guys need to understand these principals. I know several middle aged guys with children who's wives slowly became dissatisfied with them (they lost attraction and eventually respect for them), and filed for divorce, taking the kids. This destroyed the guy's self esteem, because the guy had his whole world and identity wrapped up in his marriage and family. It also destroyed them financially. One guy I know was close to suicide over it, and only his DOG pulled him through. He is a nice, smart, successful guy too.
After their second child, his wife stopped fucking him for 8 YEARS, and he still stuck with her because he didn’t think he could get another woman. Pathetic. He will also owe her alimony for the rest of his/her life.
I love women, but I don’t NEED them. I am a complete person on my own. Ironically, that is exactly the type of man women find attractive, so I have my pick of the litter.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Be STINGY with your attention.

WARNING – Do not use this technique during comfort or seduction phases – it’s instant death.

When a super hot woman walks past a group of men, or even a single man, she is used to getting attention from them. This gives her power over them, which decreases her attraction level towards them, while boosting her ego. You might say that there is an inverse relationship between ego and attraction.

AFC’s are almost powerless to resist looking, nay, GAWKING at such a creature, and this is their doom – she becomes alpha, and they beta.

Instead, try this – IGNORE the HB, and then, when she hovers, BLATANTLY check out other women when they pass by, such that she notices you checking out other HBs.
This has a very powerful effect – you will see them start to straighten their clothes and hair, and start sending you other assorted IOI’s. They will open easily, kino easily, and close easily.
This demonstrates the importance of being stingy with your ATTENTION.

Most men are whores when it comes to giving up their attention.

Why females detest "Nice Guys"

Human females have evolved over the aeons to favor men who will protect her and her offspring. From an evolutionary standpoint, men are more expendable than women, in that they are both able and willing to impregnate hundreds or even thousands of women, while a primitive woman had to give birth to several offspring to achieve the survival of a few, and this takes years. If a man dies in the tribe it’s no big deal, but a woman of childbearing age?
It’s still present in our culture – “Women and children first”
This then biologically selects for fierce men who are willing to fight. These men have a lot of male hormones, and display dominant masculine behavior – loud talking, deep voice, aggressive posture, etc.
Wimpy nice guys on the other hand represent a different kind of security. They wish to supplicate and provide in exchange for her pussy. If she can fuck a fierce guy, while getting the resources of the nice guy, her genes win X2 in the evolutionary war of the selfish gene. This is why SHBs have so many orbiters.
Now the wimps genes must also serve some evoltuionary pupose, but I’ll leave it to PUA’s smarter than I to figure that one out!

Seduction as a "field process:

Seduction can be thought of much like chess – overall strategy is more important than any particular move.

My primary sarging ground is a coffee shop where I run day game. I have noticed that moves made in one context often effect another. Women will assume that a woman I’m talking to is interested in me, even if I just met her, or if she is simply a friend. This raises my social value, prompting her to give me IOI’s. I can then approach, and like climbing a ladder other women see me with a new woman, and the cycle repeats.

The point is this –
AFCs try to discourage women who they are not attracted to from showing affection towards them. They will often not even talk to such women or give them the brush off, while panting like puppies over the hottest chick in the place. They focus on ONE woman to the exclusion of all others, and this is their downfall.

Try to view PU and seduction as a “field process” where you create and influence a bubble of attraction and interaction around yourself. This is your field of influence. It requires MULTIPLE interactions. Do not expect immediate results from any particular interaction – just persist in creating a positive vibe with ALL women, and sooner or later one or more will start to chase you.
An example of this involves the two pivots who I’ve been gaming – See my “Broken Heart” thread. As an experiment, I told each pivot that I was in love with the other. I did not know where it would lead, but I knew that by reversing frames and giving the illusion of scarcity to both, that one or the other would make a move.
The happy result was this:

I laid HB8 last weekend, and told HB9 as much. Now HB9 is chasing because she is afraid to lose me to HB8. HB8 chased because I told her I loved HB9. I told HB8 that I saw HB9 today – I even introduced the two of them to each other last week.
Both had LJBFed me, so I created a field where I was scarce….and where each HB believes the other HB is after me, and me after her.
Anyone want to take bets on how long it take HB9 to make a move on me?

I have several other situations at work that have evolved in similar ways – I actually have several HB9s competing with each other to qualify themselves to me – I’d like to fuck all of them, but then I risk losing my job ;-)

Pre Selection and Attraction

I’ve been thinking a lot about the pre selection switch lately, and how so much of what we PUA’s do is related to triggering it. I think that some of the things we do are obviously pre selection triggers like pivots, lipstick, and photos, but others are not so obvious:

Years ago I had a girlfriend who explained what she thought about poorly dressed men:
“No woman would let her man leave the house dressed like that – he must be single”
At the time I didn’t realize the significance of this declaration, but as I grow to understand the art of seduction, it’s clear that all the women in my life have tried to influence the way I dress – from my mother on down. It is programmed into them for some reason. I think it might actually be a territorial thing – advertising to other females that this is “their” man. My latest lay resulted the week after I let her do a “make-over” on me – right down to a manicure/pedicure!

Similar to poor clothing – poor grooming sub-communicates that you have no mate. Cut your hair regularly, shave, bathe, trim nose hair and fingernails. Keep your skin healthy.

Aloofness, non neediness:
Again, Pre-selecton: A male with a mate behaves differently towards other females. One of my best friends went several YEARS without pussy because he exhibited needy behavior around women. He is a very good looking guy too – tall, muscular, great teeth, nice eyes, intelligent, etc.
Well, by luck or whatever ( I like to think it was my coaching) he has been getting pussy regularly recently. What is amazing is how other women now react to him, or rather how aloof he is towards other women since he is “in love”. It’s like waving a red flag in front of a bull – The other day a hot latina woman was sitting next to him, and he was totally ignoring her – while texting his sweetheart -. She actually started pawing him to get his attention. Me and another buddy (who is a natural who claims to have laid over 300 women) were dumbstruck by the turnaround in his behavior, and the reactions he now gets.
I’ve been getting pussy for the last week, and I’ve noticed a change in my behavior, and the familiar IOIs it generates.
Bottom line – The pre-selection switch is your friend – even while in a relationship you should use it to keep your value high in the eyes of your mate.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Eye contact Sarging

I've been experimenting with non verbal EC sarging.

Well, just to see how far I could get with it, I made strong EC with an HB 8 standing in line for the restroom, walked straight up to her, and without saying a WORD cupped my hands around her face, and started kissing her - first on the cheeks, and then on the lips.
SHE DID NOT RESIST. She was totally into it. Eventually, I said "what's up?" in my best DD voice, and she says " I was just standing here!" and I said "I know" and started kissing her again. She then said "your GOOD" before entering the restroom.
It was such a perfect, anonymous encounter that I moved on.
Later that night I did the SAME thing to two more HBs after teasing them for a bit – they were friends, and I was alternating between the two of them. Eventually, I got my wing to start making out with one of them, and he was able to feel up her cooch right at the bar!
I ran the same routine on several more HBs with similar results. A couple flinched when I went to cup their faces or hair, so I did a quick non verbal takeaway (backturn). I did this to one girl RIGHT IN FRONT OF HER DATE with no ill effects.
At near the end of the night, I sarged a 9.5 with amazing breasts and clear blue eyes. She resisted the Kiss Close, but kept hanging around, making EC, so I knew it was on. I met her outside afterwards and did my favorite # close routine on her, where I ask her name, then make her write it down, then while she’s doing that, I get her E-mail.
I tried one more kiss close on her, but when I cupped her face her friend cockblocked me saying “no touching the face” and dragged her away. ( my wing sucks at distracting cocklocks)
Anyway – it was a great night out. The EC thing is pure gold If coupled with a strong dominant sexual frame. They totally trance out and go DDB, and then you can pretty much do whatever you like with them. The AFCs simply don’t matter – it was like I was all alone with these stunning women, and I could have my pick….

When she is "in love" with another guy :-)

So, what do you do when you want to game a chick who is "in love" with another guy (who has jilted her) and she WON'T SHUT UP about it, making you her girlfreind / emotional tampon?

Let's call them HB9 and HB8

I've been hanging out a lot with HB8 (see the "Am I FAT?" thread) and building comfort. She calls me constantly to chat etc, but playfully resists my escalation attempts.
HB9 on the other hand has been a long, slow burn. We get together occasionally and see movies, or go out. She to resists escalation, but not as aggressively. I’ve gotten a bit further with her, but not much.
I’ve been trying to set up a date for Saturday. HB8 wanted to come, but had child care issues, so I invited HB9.
To game HB8, I told her that I had a long talk with HB9, and that I thought I was in love with HB9 now! (kinda true…but it’s more of an infatuation/oneits at this point) I told her that I invited HB9 to the event, but that I hadn’t heard back from her yet.
Basically, I reversed the “I’m in love” frame on her. We went out, and I spent all afternoon carping about HB9 and how special she is to me to HB8. (just like the HBs do to me)
Guess what?
HB8 made arrangements for her kid and is going to the event Saturday, and taking me to a party afterwards.
I’m thinking that the same tactic might work on HB9…..
Oh, and I’m using both of the above HBs as pivots for ANOTHER HB9 at the event.
The reason I think this tactic works is that HB8 feels like she might lose my attention and companionship with HB9 on the scene. It also indirectly demonstrates to her how annoying it is to have someone carping about being “in love” around you.

An update on HB8 (Aviator) and HB9 (Ferrari) and how the sarges are progressing:
Aviator and I have been spending a lot of time together - She helped me shop for clothes Saturday and Sunday, and went for a long walk with me yesterday, again escalating physical contact - before she would only hold hands with me, now she places her arm around my waist when we walk. When I kiss her goodbye, I only get the cheek, so I've started kissing that slowly and softly...
She's still a pivot, but a really good one! She calls herself my "girlfriend enabler" at this point and says she's gonna help me sarge Ferrari. I really dig Aviator, and will continue to build comfort with her.
Here is where it gets interesting:
I saw Ferrari today and figured what the hell, and told her "I'm in love" now with Aviator, but that Aviator has a broken heart, and is resistant to my advances.
The result? - Ferrari called me about 15 minutes later and left a message apologizing for a little shit test she threw at me, and saying she wanted to help me sarge Aviator now! Understand that this is the first time Ferrari has EVER initiated contact with me, or offered to do anything for me.
Well, since this tactic seemed to be working so well, I called Aviator and told her that Ferrari want's to help me sarge HER. She laughed at this, but I can tell this got her attention. She also called later and apologized for throwing a shit test at me.
So here is the deal - each HB is supposedly trying to help me sarge the other HB, and they both know about each other's plans.
Aviator says to ignore Ferrari's invitation, but I think Aviator now has a bit of an axe to grind with Ferrari.
I'm thinking about calling Ferrari back tomorrow and taking her up on her offer - after all, I'm more interested in Aviator anyway at this point.

Effectiveness of PU Tactics

To give you an idea of how effective these methods are, I’ve got 3 dates this weekend with 3 different HBs, AND I got a bonus date with another HB out of the blue this afternoon – one who I’ve had in comfort for a couple of weeks. She called me over some emotional drama. Got her into my bed today, but she’s still LMRing…. – whatever, I roll over, and she GRABS me, so now I resist, and say it’s time for her to leave.
She’ll be back ;-)
All the HB’s either suggested the dates, or IMMEDIATELY responded when I made the offer.
I use the DLVs, sparingly, in comfort with these women – I grudgingly admit to insecurities or flaws. This neutralizes the whole player syndrome – I’m just a regular guy.
For instance, the bonus HB had some drama at work, and was crying when she came to see me. Then she starts in on men, and masturbation ( the drama related to this… don’t ask!). Shit…. I tell her I jerk off to porn, twice a day (DLV, but with an Alpha frame) and bring her into my bedroom to get more comfortable. This cheers her up immensely – she starts going through my nightstand, examining my condoms, lube, and sex toy collection. While she is doing this, I lift up her skirt, and she LMRs me playfully, so I give her a hard smack on the ass and a backturn.
She loves it. I’m not needy, I’m not forcing myself on her, but I’m also sharing some sex secrets, and I’m willing to bail.
Comfort is all about incrementally revealing vulnerabilities while maintaining a dominant frame. This chick has not been laid in 6 YEARS (she has a kid). It’s gonna take a while to get her comfortable, and some “nice guy” DLV behavior combined with constant physical escalation and sexual tension and leading will wear her down.
If it doesn’t, there are always the other 3 chicks this weekend, plus the dozen or so others I’m currently gaming….

Why isn't Seduction the most popular subject on the Net?

When I first discovered the community I was puzzled by how few responses and users there were on these sort of forums. I thought they’d be overrun with horny guys.
I started out on Mystery’s forum by posting a few questions, and got no response. Then I discovered this forum. So many rules to posting!!! But at least there seemed to be some people that wanted to help, so after lurking for a bit, I joined, and posted some of my insights into PU.
The silence was deafening! I’d get like two or three replies, and then the thread would die. Most posts are like this, even popular ones in the top 20
Now, for comparison, here is a thread from a CAR chat board that is well over 300 pages long. It deals with SUPERCHARGERS:
…and it is only one of thousands of threads on one of hundreds of car related chat boards. Guys will spend countless hours swapping tips about some arcane bit of automobile performance equipment, but they scoff at the notion that they can learn anything about women on-line.
I’m gonna make some bold statements here, but they come from experience:
1) Superchargers and the systems that support them are far more complex than dating women (and expensive)
2) Fucking a hot woman is about equal in fun to driving a car with a well set-up supercharger, more fun at first, less fun later, so it all evens out. I know, I’ve been doing both recently.
3) A fucked up supercharger is not nearly as disruptive to your wellbeing as a fucked up woman. Again, I know this from recent experience.
So why in the hell don’t guys spend more time trying to figure out what makes women tick? More bang for the buck than figuring out cars.
Why will we cooperate when it comes to cars, but remain aloof and skeptical when it comes to women? I could say the same about politics, sports, even stamp collecting.
The only thing that explains it is societal conditioning. We are made to feel ashamed of our natural desires, while women are taught to bait us into chasing them and supplicating to them. Too bad this is a recipe for bad relationships with no attraction and lots of cheating and resentment. Look at the divorce rate. Something is very wrong with the AFC path.
Unite Brothers! There is nothing wrong with sarging. As I put it to a woman earlier this week when she invited me over to her house, and acted surprised when I started escalating towards sex once there:
“You invited me to your home - It would be rude of me NOT to make a pass at you” :-)
That’s the attitude you must have. Help each other out – women work in teams in social environments, and so should we. Ultimately we are doing them a HUGE favor by sarging them, and by being selective. A true PUA will not settle for a low quality woman, or for one who is not compatible with him. He also will not date rape women, or take unfair advantage of drunk women. He is ALPHA, and always in control of himself and his environment. He does not need to stoop to such base behavior. He truly loves and respects quality women and want’s to give and receive pleasure from as many of them as possible. While he is not seeking a relationship, he has also not ruled it out with the right woman but he will NOT let a woman control him with sex, or by any other means, because he knows this will end the attraction between them.
Now, what’s so wrong about that?
Please help me understand
Thanks - and if you read those 300 pages, you will know a lot about superchargers. Then you can start on the 1000’s of pages on turbochargers – they are even worse. I use the supercharger analogy because fast cars and hot women are two things guys obsess about. In the car world we have the equivalent of AFCs – guys who love fast cars but are clueless about how to drive or maintain them. The get some money, buy one, and then promptly crash it or trash it.
This happens with women too, except the consequences tend to be more dire: A car wont fuck your best friend. It won’t divorce you and take ½ of what you own. It wont demand alimony or child support while denying you the right to see your children. It won’t poison you to get your life insurance. It wont get drunk and set the house on fire, etc, etc, etc,
Making a bad choice with a car is inconvenient. With a woman it can be downright devastating.
So men band together and swap tips on cars – it is mutually beneficial – but fuck all if they are going to do it when it comes to women. Also, in the car world, the same topics come up over and over too. Guys still jump in to help, sometimes with links to other threads, sometimes they school the dude right there.
No, I think it goes to what being masculine is all about. Cars are socially acceptable for men to study, and so are thousands of other things –
Ego might play a part, but I don’t buy it as the main reason. This is the web. No one knows who the fuck you are! You can even hide behind an avatar of two dogs fucking for Christ’s sake.
The women I have discussed PU with have all understood exactly why men would do this sort of thing, and actually support it. They also have directly confirmed every bedrock theory of PU when I explained it too them. Some have said straight up to me that I “get” women, and that they wish more guys were like me. Others who don’t know about me and PU have said that something is different about me recently – like I’m more confident or something.
But a “real man” shouldn’t need advice about how to deal with those seductive, crazy, irrational, emotion driven creatures we call women, right? No, he should just somehow magically be able to figure them out all on his own, suck up too and fall in love with “THE ONE” get married, have a family, and then get divorced (at least ½ the time)
Marriage is a bad bet at best for men, but going in blind makes it doubly bad. AFC’s don’t want to see this, so they cling to this fantasy of romantic love, and then are crushed when it doesn’t work out.
Maybe they simply refuse to see women AS THEY ARE. Society has a lot invested in the myth of romantic love, and the purity and innocence of women. It has a lot invested in the institution of marriage and family and monogamy. A PUA sees through this myth to the underlying reality, then uses this understanding to both give and receive pleasure from women. The truth may be ugly, but there is freedom and a new paradigm in it, thus it poses a threat to the established order.
With cars and about 1 million other things if you do X, Y will happen. With PU, sometimes if you do A, B will happen, but not always, or even most of the time. It's unpredictable because we are dealing with unique people in social environments. Wrap up emotion and ego with that, and men just shut down.
Men want things that are absolutely predictable. We think logically and systematically. To become good at PU, you must get inside the heads of women and understand their motivations. It is messy in there, and not at all logical or predictable in the traditional sense. This causes cognitive dissonance for AFC’s, and they simply give up, supplicate, and let women walk all over them.
I’ve always had this sense that there was some sort of key to most women’s hearts that was simple and obvious. I’ve felt this because women always seem to be afraid I’ll ‘hurt” them by cheating on them, when from my point of view it was always super hard to find and bed a woman. To women though it’s super easy for a guy to fuck her if he makes the right moves, so they figure all men know how to do this, especially the ones they fuck. It’s also obvious that certain guys are naturally good with women, even though they are not good looking or rich. I sensed from this that the key had to be related to BEHAVIOR and ACTIONS and that while it was obvious to women, most men couldn’t see it.
The key is simple and obvious the way 3rd grade math is simple and obvious – it’s easy to understand in principal, but challenging to implement in practical real world situations. It requires unlearning years of social conditioning and going against gender and social norms. I’ve lost friends over PU because they simply can’t accept my new understanding of the world and social interactions. They get uncomfortable with the way I approach and open women right in front of them without ass kissing or any of the traditional AFC tactics. They can’t believe that you should let women SEE you sarging other women, and that this builds attraction through social proof. They are shocked when I tell them I don’t “date” women, buy them drinks, or complement them.
In short, PU fucks up their whole carefully constructed world view. The see PU as manipulative, cynical, and full of gimmicks, or they just say it doesn’t work. When they see it working, they get even more pissed off – and shut down out of denial.
I guess in the end this is a good thing – More pussy for us, less for them!

Amogs + Shit tests = Fun for Baddog!

So today I'm at my local coffee joint/sarging lab, when a couple of AFC AMOGs start giving me shit about my sticker routine right in front an HB7 barista chick who I've been sticker gaming (see my post in tactics - she's got about 5 of them on her name tag now:D )
Seems they have been AMOGing me behind my back about what a PUA I am to her for about a week, because she turned all frosty on me about 7 days ago. So they are giving me shit about how awful it is to hit on women with stickers and how you can’t learn seduction from the internet / book, etc, etc, etc. ( my early mistake was to confide in these idiots) right in front of the HB!
She then chimes in, all pissy and indignant:
Her: “I think it’s pathetic that you have to read a book to meet women”
Me: “It’s not a book, it’s a chat board. How am I supposed to meet women?”
Her: “Just be yourself “
Me: “Oh please! No one reveals their true self at first – it takes time. Everyone puts up a façade”
Her: “Well it’s just SAD that you think that way”
Me: (turning to the AMOGs) “See – this is EXACTLY how the stickers work. She clearly has a bad attitude, so now I screen her out of consideration” (BIG Neg)
Her: (ducks into the restroom)
(AMOGS think they have me on the run….little do they suspect :-)
Her: (Comes out of restroom) I DO NOT HAVE A BAD ATTITUDE! See! I still have your stickers! (points to her name tag and qualifies self to me)
Me: “Look – I’m just trying to be social – How would you approach a man you like?”
Her “I don’t have to – they approach me”
Me: “Exactly! That’s the difference between men and women. It’s the man’s job to approach – and that’s all I’m doing. I’m just trying to get better at it – women study how to attract men constantly – they read magazines, talk to each other, dress seductively. What’s wrong with a man doing the same thing?”
Her: “well…uh….” (clearly she has broken frame at this point – her body language and eye contact are submissive)
Me : “Tell you what – I’ll be the woman, you be the man – go ahead, try to pick me up”
AMOGs start laughing….
Her: “Ok” – “those are nice shoes you are wearing”
Me: (in a bitchy, stuck-up chick voice) “Get lost – you know how many guys have tried THAT one on me today?”
Her: “oh,wha,eh…?.”
Me: (cutting her off) “See – that’s what guys have to deal with. The stickers are playful and charming – it’s just a way to meet people.”
Her: “My boyfriend isn’t a player – I didn’t even like him at first - he was just persistent. I kept saying no, and he kept asking me out. I had an amazing time with him on our first date, but I still wasn’t attracted to him, and didn’t want to go out with him again. Then I thought about it and decided to give him another chance because of how nice he was. That’s how we met”
Note that the HB required massive ass kissing from her boyfriend before going out with him, and doesn’t find him attractive. She made an intellectual choice to date him, not an emotional one. Anyone want to take bets on how long it’s gonna last before she cheats or dumps him?
The AMOGs are silent at this point. She starts to walk away, tail between her pretty little ass cheeks.
Me: “See – now you know a little bit about the real me – and I’m not so bad”
AMOG: “So you want to date him now”
Her: “No!” (of course)
Me: “See? She loves me!”
This interaction has several lessons in it.
1) Don’t let on that you are a PUA, even to your “friends” They will see you getting attraction from HB’s, get jealous, and AMOG the fuck out of you – behind your back even.
2) Frame reversal is your friend if you ever get busted as a PUA.
3) HBs secretly dig PUAs, it’s just not socially acceptable for them to admit it. They will act indignant, but secretly they want your attention and validation.

Well, what would you do under the circumstances? Here are the options as I saw them;
1) Break frame and deny that I'm a PUA. Talk about getting defensive.
2) Ignore her. Well, that's passive/agressive, and dosn't deal with the problem.
3) Confess that I love and want to meet women, and then reverse the frame so that she feels like an asshole for calling me out.
I chose option 3.
Basically, I held my frame and controlled the entire interaction, while simultaneously keeping TWO amogs at bay:
I put her on the defensive. I negged her, got her qualifying, then role playing, and then she volunteers how unattractive she thinks her boyfreind is. She ended up becoming submissive and agreeing with pretty much every point I made after starting the interaction by trying to cut my balls off.
I think that's a pretty good result. The Amogs can no longer use the whole PUA thing against me with her now, and they also saw me flip the interaction to my advantage, so maybe they'll think twice before trying that crap again.
The l lesson here is that as you get better at PU, the AMOGs will get worse. I brought it on myself to some extent several months ago because I was excited by what I was learning and wanted to share it with my buddies. Problem is, they see me hanging out with and getting attraction from every woman in sight, and they get jealous, so to protect their frame, they Amog – no mystery there, in fact, I’m not even mad at them – I have learned something from them.
The real problem with the HB7 is that she is right at the bottom of what I’m willing to stick my dick in, and probably knows it. She has an OK ass, but that’s about it in my book. She sees me sarging and hanging with all these much hotter girls every morning, and them having a great time with me, and she gets jealous too ( I left out the part of the interaction where she mentioned some of the girls I was hanging with, and one HB9 in particular). What she really wanted was some attention and not to feel like I was playing her.
Here is what I see as an even bigger problem in the community, and with men in general. I may do a separate post on the topic, because it’s been bugging the shit out of me:Why are we all so ashamed of wanting to fuck hot, high quality women that we are afraid to admit we are working to get better at it? I consider the study of attraction and seduction to be a form of self improvement, and it has many more aspects to it than simply getting laid – I can pay a hooker for that.
I will not be made to feel ashamed of my desires. I am a MAN and it is my RIGHT to sarge women. If a woman doesn’t like it, I’ll next her, but she better either help me, or stay the fuck out of my way from then on. Same goes for guys: Help me, or stay the fuck out of my way. I won’t use arguments, violence or insults to disarm you though:
I’ll use my intelligence, charm and wit. These are much deadlier in social situations than any insult or threat.
Think intellectual Aikido.

Compliance Momentum

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Reponse to the age old question: "What's Your Name"?

HB: What is your name?
Baddog: (in fake Spanish) Me llamo Pablo!!! (with a flourish, and looking over my shoulder – (I am white so it’s obvious I’m putting them on))
HB: ??? “Pablo”???
Baddog: ah,ah,ah!!!! (wagging finger at her in a non verbal neg)
My name must never be spoken!!! (again, fake accent, think Ricardo Montoblan, only worse)
(Credit: a great Simpson’s episode where Moe converts his dive bar into a hip hang-out)
HB: (Always smiles and laughs) Blah blah, blah….
As a guy, I don’t really understand why this creates attraction, but it does. My AFC guy friends actually cringe when I do it, but they see the results:-)
The next time the HB’s see me, all I have to do is wag my finger at them, and they light up :-)
So I’ve run this routine on this HB7 several times, to the point where when she sees me, SHE puts her finger up and goes : ah,ah,ah!!!! At ME! :-)
Anyway, after my buddy gets blown out, I start e-mailing her:
Hi HBIt's PABLO (!)....I just found your card in my wallet. So many women, so little time for Pablo! Please do not stalk me, or say my name! See you soon... Baddog
hello Pablo i mean Baddog. what a surprise! ja ja so many women. ya right! j/k! no, how is your young girlfriend doing? is she submissive enough for you? (you did tell me that she was) when is the wedding? well, i am sure i will see you at …..someday. take care. HB
Dear female, Pablo liked the way you flirted with him today, and has promoted you to level 2 on his hierarchy of female friends. There are five levels. Your current rank is "Space Monkey" (thanks MAFS). This is quite an accomplishment, as most women Pablo meets never progress past "Single Cell Protoplasmic Organism". The rank of Space Monkey means that you walk semi upright, and have a gleam of intelligence in your eyes. Pablo is very selective about the women he considers for the next rank, "Tool Bearing Ape". To achieve this rank, a female must continue to demonstrate feistiness, and an ability to both understand Pablo’s complex and subtle innuendoes and flirtatious remarks, and to invent her own on the fly, in response. Only a minute percentage of females will ever make it to this level. As a reward, Pablo is attaching a photograph of himself enjoying one of his favorite pastimes, autoracing:


The following is why you MUST game multiple women at all times, and never give up a sarge for dead - you just never know when a girl will start feeling lonely:

Sarge #1, HB 8.5, with a GREAT rack, at work:
Seemed like a lost cause – hadn’t heard from her in a couple of weeks. Saw her walking to the elevator this morning– she didn’t see me. I usually take the stairs (exercise!) but decided to sarge her to start my day. Rode the elevator with her, fluffed, and then at the top upon exit, made a date for coffee Thursday.
Sarge #2, HB 9, Super cute Asian girl I’ve already fucked about 30 times (20 years younger than me too) :-0
Another lost cause. I nexted her a couple of months ago for acting childish. She had moved a bunch of her shit into my home, and then started playing games – lying, flaking, etc. MAJOR shit testing. So, I packed all her shit up, gave it back to her, and stopped calling her. I see her at work once in a while, and since then she has been leaving little flirty messages for me where she knew I would find them….When I see her, I always give her shit – I poke her or tease her, and then leave. Occasionally, I send her a flirtatious text or E-mail, just to keep her engaged. Well, today she was really flirting (Her buying temp was clearly through the roof), so I figured what the hell – and I called her.
Me: You miss me don’t you?
Her: Who said that?
Me: I can tell. You should come see me this weekend.
Her: I can’t – how about lunch Thursday.
Me: I’m pretty busy, but OK.
So now I’ve got dates with TWO women on Thursday that I thought were lost causes!
Believe it or not, it gets better:
Sarge #3, HB 7, with another one with GREAT rack.
This one, I met at a local Coffee shop. My favorite wing had already given her a good tongue down and finger banging, but then she blurred on him – said she “Just wasn’t feeling it”. Now my wing is a great guy – smart, model good looks, and outgoing. His problem is with neediness and supplication. He reflexively supplicates to HB’s, and it is a huge turn off to them. I have partnered with him, shared community wisdom, and he has made huge progress – he went from getting NO PUSSY for almost 2 years, to getting more than me in the last couple of months, due in part to my coaching.
Anyway, as a demonstration to him, I started E-mailing this chick with a combination of GM and David D stuff. At one point in the sarge I sent her a close-up photo of a guy eating a banana, and she sent an e-mail back acting very offended, and telling me “not to email” her anymore . I sent an e-mail back saying I had deleted her from my contact list,. She said “Good jackass” I called her a “prude”. She threatened to shove a banana up my ass, so I called her a “kinky little bitch” and said she wasn’t “man enough” and to meet me at the coffee shop. She said “maybe….”
She didn’t show up, so I told her I knew she’d back out – and then I didn’t hear from her for about 5 weeks….
Until today :-):
hey baddog
how are you ?
Like I said – it was a very good day!

Ferrari Girl Sarge

So I've been following the advice of MASF for several months now, and have been gaming multiple women - I've even started a spread sheet to track my sarges - and it's definitely starting to pay off.
One chick (HB8) in particular is interesting, because she is in an LTR with a VERY rich guy who won't commit to her. I see her several times per week, and she runs hot and cold on this guy, so I basically ignore her whining about him by interrupting and fucking with her - like by un-tieing her shoes when she says something super serious, or making sexual innuendoes and overtures towards her in a playful way.
I've texted and e-mailed her several times with invitations and other flirtatious nonsense, and she never replies - but she always wants to sit with me when I see her - ...and I always fuck with her when she does - playfully of course, with teasing, light negs, and other chick crack nonsense. This has been going on for several months, and she is one of many ongoing projects of mine.
Well, yesterday, I greeted her with "Hey! It's Miss America!" as she was approaching her boyfriend, and she got all pissed and said "I dont like that!"
Old Baddog would have been all "I'm so sorry, please forgive me, here is my nutsack on a platter, blah,blah,blah"
New Baddog said "yes you do!" and immediately did a backturn, started chatting up his buddies, then completely ignored her for 20 minutes, and bailed.
Today, she walked in to the venue without her boyfriend, and approached me and my posse. Before she could say a word, I said "Go away - you were mean to me yesterday!" in a half serious voice....she then immediately apologized, and said she had been thinking and worrying about what she had done all day :D She also said she had seen me out with a group of women Friday (both HB 9.5s, some might say 10s), and that she felt that I had ignored her (I didn’t even see her) :p
Then I gave her a big hug and told her "You know I'm TOTALLY in love with you right?" in a playful way. I then told her to sit down, and right there in front of the whole place, I took her shoes off and starting giving her a foot massage!
SHE then suggests isolation ("this doesn’t seem right here"):cool: So I take the lead and take her for a long walk on the beach...
More footsie, and I attempt to escalate with a kiss, she says she's "uncomfortable" because of her boyfriend. I say, "it's cool, I've got stuff to do" and get up to bail. As we part, she want's a hug, and when I go in, it's clear now she wants a kiss on the lips, So I give her a peck on the cheek...:lol:
Then she wants to see where I live but she's afraid I'll make a pass at her - I tell her "You should be so lucky" and cross my arms. Then I tell her I'm not going to be her "girlfriend" and she asks what I want. I just say "look into my eyes" and I start triangular gazing until she can't handle it anymore and smiles and looks down, breaking gaze. I then say "goodbye" and walk away....
One of the interesting things about this sarge is that her BF is the biggest AMOG in town, a real dick swinger who is always in everybody’s face, and like I said, he is super rich, good looking, and powerful (and a bit of an asshole). I’m none of those things (except maybe the asshole thing:-), yet I’ve got his little woman completely tranced out on me.
Survival of the smartest and most skillful…..not the best looking or richest. You gotta love it.

The old me would have kept trying to escalate - maybe I would have succeeded too -I was about 50/50 in similar situations in my AFC days. The problem is with the frame this sort of behavior sets:
Me = Sexually needy.
Her = Control Baddog with sex.
When you get into a relationship, this is VERY bad. You start kissing ass so you can get laid, and she loses attraction and respect for you.
She needs to realize from the outset that what I'm offering is valuable, and that it might not be there next time she want's it, or feels in the mood.
My basic frame with her is this:
"I want you, but I don't need you. I have other options, and my self-esteem does not depend on your whims. I'm giving you a shot because I like you... so don't blow it."
She is a long term project - I've had her in attraction for ages, and have had good Kino with her for quite some time. This was my first opportunity at isolation, and I figured building comfort and frame control were more important than acting like an out of control, horny teenager trying to get laid.;)
…and don’t worry, I’ll isolate her again….

DHV Theory

Telling someone you are training to be an opera singer is different than hitting a high "C" that shatters their wine glass.
Don't try to tell or convince, DEMONSTRATE.
I am a college teacher.
If I tell someone how the world is, they scoff. When I demonstrate how the world is, they WORSHIP.
I am fortunate, in that my particular field of teaching is filled with very hot young women - and I mean HOT. Maxim girl, super model hot. I just spent the evening looking down at the bare ass cracks of no less than 5 little hotties as they sweated over their final projects ( and I get paid $60 per hour for the privilege) . I teach very specific technical skills to them where they either follow my example, or fail. I like to give the girls enough rope to hang themselves, and then, just as they are about to fall over the edge of the cliff, I rescue them. This demonstrates value.
As a teacher, you have built in social proof and pre-selection (pretty much all the girls have crushes on you, and they compete with each other for your attention). It is a lot like being a rock star in that respect, except that you lose your job if you fuck the groupies (ask me how I know this). So I use my job as a lab for indirect game, and I have learned that a DEMONSTRATION of value is far more powerful than a CLAIM to value in generating attraction.
Mystery uses magic tricks that dominate a woman’s reality. I happen to be an expert in the skill sets that I teach. Some PUAs use palmistry or Tarot, or cold reads. All of these DEMONSTRATE value.
In bars and clubs, my teaching skills are useless, so DHV is a sticking point for me also, at least in the real world. I’ve considered learning astrology, palmistry, or Tarot, but fuck, it’s just such bullshit, that I don’t think I can be congruent with it. I’m still seeking the ultimate civilian DHV that I can be congruent with – my two big hobbies are skiing (I’m an expert) and car racing (National Champion Level). The problem is, I can’t very well demonstrate these skills in a fucking bar.

Baddog's response to "The Natural"

You call yourself "The natural" then proceed to denigrate the efforts of those who are not.
Whatever....This stuff works. By whatever mechanism, it works. I've experienced it not only for myself, but seen it in action with others - guys who had practically given up on dating. Guys who hadn't gotten laid in YEARS who learned just a little bit of this stuff, and started pulling pussy left and right. Guys who were terrified of women in social settings interacting with women, and having fun in night clubs for the first time.
Naturals do not understand this stuff and why it works because they have never been at a loss for pussy. Pussy comes to them, seemingly by magic. They do the things and have the self image described in the various systems instinctually.
I was explaining some of my favorite techniques to a guy the other day who was a good looking AFC. He was completely skeptical, and said "just be yourself". BTW, this guy looks like George fucking Clooney, only with big, plump blow-job lips. His buddy helpfully pointed out that when they go to bars, Women go up to him all the time and say things like "You are the most beautiful man I have ever seen" Hell, sometimes I want to fuck him
Do you think he gets laid a lot?
Do you think he has sexual confidence?
The rest of us average (or worse!) looking guys have to work a little harder at it. We haven't had women chasing us around since elementary school.
...but if we work hard, we can steal women from guys like this. I've done it, and so can anyone who dose the work, and is reasonably articulate and intelligent. This is truly the revenge of the nerds!
Get used to it.
BTW “George” recently knocked up an SHB10. Last time I saw him, he was walking her yappy little poodle down the street, while she got a pedicure. I’d say he’s pretty much fucked now.

Baddog's first love :-(

Some of you might not believe this story, but it is all true, every last bit of it….
Many years ago, (think, “First Prince Album”) Baddog was in love with a girl. Let’s call her “Sweet Innocent Thing” or SWIT for short.
He can’t remember what her face looked like, but he sure remembers her pussy glistening in the summer sun, barely contained by a tiny French cut bikini. Her skin was covered with Hawaiian Tropic coconut oil, and Baddog could almost taste her snapper just from looking at it. Her ass was so tight it could mint quarters, and took her ½ hour to get her jeans on, because she wore them so tight.
Baddog was a virgin, and so was SWIT.
Now Baddog has a younger brother. Let’s call him “LB” This brother is what the community calls a natural. More about him in a moment.
All through his 16th summer, Baddog pursued SWIT, as did all the boys in his neighborhood. He followed her around like a puppy dog, bringing her flowers, and doing her favors. Like I said, he was in love.
Baddog’s brother meanwhile delighted in calling SWIT a “slut”, “bitch”, and “whore”….His favorite greeting for her was to go in the bathroom, take a shit, not wipe his ass, and then moon SWIT while showing his shit covered asshole to her. Baddog’s brother was also in trouble with the law. A lot….
Baddog was appalled. How could LB be so mean to SWIT? Couldn’t he see how pure and innocent she was? He constantly apologized to SWIT for his brother’s behavior. He would show SWIT what a great guy he was in comparison to his loutish brother, and redoubled his niceness to SWIT….
strangely, SWIT remained indifferent to Baddog.
SWIT also had a “boyfriend” Let’s call him “Dumb Fuck” or DF for short. DF had a part time job, making him a high value male in our little clique of stoners and drug dealers. DF was a busboy/dishwasher who made $3.25 per hour (minimum wage back then).
DF would scrimp and save every bit of his earnings, and then, every 6 months he would rent a Limousine for $600 (do the math….), take SWIT to Hollywood, get her drunk, and try to fuck her.
He never even got his fingers wet :-(
This went on for a year or so….
Meanwhile, Baddog’s brother kept giving SWIT the o’l brown-eye.
One night SWIT and a bunch of friends were smoking dope and chilling on our couch. Baddog’s brother came downstairs, and immediately started in with SWIT.
Get the fuck off my couch!
SWIT was defiant. She laughed at him, and refused to budge….
….So LB goes upstairs, digs deep in his dirty clothes hamper, and finds a pair of underwear. Not just any underwear mind you, but a pair of the most filthy, skid marked, tighty-whities you have ever seen.
LB walks up to SWIT, and shoves the underwear, skidmark first, right into her face, in front of all her friends.
Baddog blacked out after that. He doesn’t remember exactly what happened next, but he does remember that within a couple of hours, LB was out on the front lawn with his fingers in SWIT’s pussy.
That weekend, LB deflowered SWIT under a bush up in the hills. LB later described it in agonizing detail to Baddog – and all it took was a fifth of cheap tequila.
For the next several months, Baddog had to listen to LB fucking the shit out of SWIT in the next room. Her head would slam repeatedly against the wall where Baddog was trying to sleep.
Baddog was CRUSHED! He went into a deep, profound depression (just imagine how DF felt!) …and all it took was $5 worth of Tequila, and some shit stained underwear.
SWIT sensed Baddog’s depression, and went in for the kill. Anytime she saw Baddog in his home after fucking LB, she’d taunt him with “What’s the matter Baddog?” in the most sarcastic, vicious voice you can possibly imagine.
Was Baddog mad at his brother?
Baddog’s brother had done him a huge favor. After this, Baddog became an AAFC (above average frustrated chump)
Post script:
Baddog did eventually get even with Little Brother, by fucking one of his girlfriends….but then again, so did all of Baddog’s buddies…..She dared us to tie her to a bed and fuck her…..
But that’s another story…..

Now, I'm about to tell you the final and perhaps worst part of this sad and sordid tale:
LB continued fucking SWIT for some time after that, and they fought constantly. LB even threw her out of his room one night in her panties, and locked the door - with our mother sleeping in the room down the hall!
LB was all of 16 years old at the time.
Finally, the time came for us to move to another town far, far away. LB hung out with hoodlums and gang members as noted earlier. On our last night in town, he invited one of the worst lowlifes over, and "sold" SWIT to him for a carton of cigarettes, right in front of me. ( I guess LB learned how to do this from his numerous stays in Juvenile Hall ). Lowlife later knocked her up, and refused to pay for the abortion. She is probably fat and married to a long haul trucker who kicks her ass twice a month now.
The point of the story is not that LB was an asshole - he was. (FWIW He has been married now for 15 years, runs a successful business, has a million dollar home, and two children) I have far surpassed his childhood exploits as an adult, even as an AAFC.
No, the point is that I was completely to blame for falling for this girl when I HADN'T EVEN FUCKED HER. This is the epitome of AFC behavior. She was no good, and LB made this very clear to me. After that, although I still had a tendency to supplicate to hot women, and become their girlfriends, I never fell as completely off my rocker like I did for SWIT. I also saw where becoming a provider gets you with such women.
So young men out there rejoice! This site will save you a lot of trouble. Guys like me learned these lessons the hard way, and are sharing their wisdom with you. Follow it – you won’t be sorry.

Strangely, even after all that, I didn’t completely get the message… I “Fell in Love” with at least 4 more girls who I never fucked as an AAFC – The last one about 4 years ago. Don’t be fooled by appearances. SWIT looked like an angel – so sweet, pure, and innocent. She was perfect on the outside and rotten on the inside. LB saw this, and took advantage of it. She got what she deserved, but then again, so did I for being so superficial in falling in “love” with her. I wasn’t in love with her, I was in love with her PUSSY. So was DF, and she knew it, so she took advantage too.
It wasn’t until discovering this community that I fully understood the dynamics behind LBs seduction of SWIT. He truly didn’t give a fuck about her, and that is what turned her on.
The lesson that stuck was more from DF, the guy who washed dishes for 6 months at a time, only to get blue balls from that stuck-up little bitch. Imagine how wretched his life was – every spare minute spent in the hot, stinking bowels of a restaurant, scrubbing dishes so that he could take another shot at SWIT. SWIT actually made fun of him for this, calling him “dish pan hands” and other assorted derogatory names when his back was turned.
I never, and I mean NEVER spent a lot of hard earned money trying get chicks to fuck me. The LTR’s I have lived with all paid me rent (I own a nice condo at the beach). Anytime I have even flirted with the provider frame, it has brought me untold misery. The more you give a woman, the less she will respect you, and the more she will demand. She will also give you less and less in return for your generosity. She will even stop fucking you if you give her too much – trust me. I truly believe that this lesson is why I have never married – I refuse to let women control me, and I refuse to be a provider. Better to trade in the current LTR in every couple of years for a newer, better model.

Why Baddog don't dance

The woman has ALL the power on the dance floor. It's more or less no win for you, unless you can dance like Fred Astaire,
...and sweep her off her feet with your moves. More than likely, unless you are a pro, you will simply look like a try hard AFC idiot.
You also can't neg, (well, I guess you could accuse her of dancing like a chicken or something:) DHV, or tell stories...and dance floor Kino doesn’t count, unless she grabs your cock (don't laugh, I've had it happen).

Dealing with tests

As far as tests, they take various forms.
One girl (HB9) I did this (GM method) to said "buy me a drink" after I pointed at her tits. That is a classic shit test. If you buy the drink you supplicate, and fail. I told her that she should buy me a drink, since I was more "intelligent" than her.
This had her friend in hysterics. You could also say something along the lines of "can it do tricks?" she will say "can what do tricks?" follow up with "your pussy - because you seem to think it's magic or something" with a smile and a wink.
Another common example is when they accuse you of trying to pick them up. I like to adopt a slightly "gay" or effeminate pose at this point and say with a slight lisp "don't flatter yourself sweetheart"
Basically a shit test is any challenging statement the HB makes in response to your neg, approach or routine. She does it because she is feeling attraction. You pass by reframing her test and feeding it back to her (example 1) or by hitting her with a snappy (CF) comeback. The key is to maintain your composure or “frame”. This raises your value in her eyes, and serves to increase sexual tension.
Other examples of things she might say:
“In your dreams”“You wish”“Your mean!”“That’s not funny”“I don’t like you” (sure sign that she does!)“Jerk”Etc.
The test will be accompanied by non verbal IOIs, like eye contact, hitting you, smiling, exaggerated gestures, open BL, etc. These will be absent if she is really pissed (move on).
Several weeks ago I had an interaction with a HB8 and a 10, where I negged the crap out of the 10, (She tried to push her way past me to the bar, and I said “what makes you so special?” ) and got major IOI's from the 8.5 in response. The 8.5 then shit tested me by implying that I was gay! I quickly turned it around by telling her that she was cute, but not my type (thanks MM) A little more banter, and I started making out with her right at the bar (thanks for the “kiss test” David D). The 10 bought me a drink, and invited me out after I made out with her friend. My AFC friends were FLOORED :D
Remember, HBs test without even thinking about it, and you have to be quick on your feet, or you will lose the set. PU is not for the timid….or the dimwitted for that matter! With practice, you will learn to expect the tests, and will pass them with ease. But it takes PRACTICE. Go out and work sets – at first it will suck, then after a while you will start to feel like you have ESP and can predict exactly what is going to happen in a given interaction. It’s absolutely amazing:
The more you hang out with women, the better you get at this nonsense, and the more fun it becomes!
Case in point:
One of my current sarges, who is an exercise FANATIC with a hot, hard body sprung the most COMMON and FEARED test in the world on me this afternoon on the way to Yoga:
HB: “Do you think I’m fat”
Me: “A little bit….”
HB: (Hits me) C’mon…
Me: “ Well, to really be sure, I need to see you naked…”
HB: “C’mon!!!!!”
Me: (walk up behind her, grab both panty and pants waistband, yank them away from her ass, and eye her ass-crack for a bit) “Yea, your a little bit fat”
Inside Yoga studio, preparing for class:
HB: “Do you think I’m fat”
Me: “No, not really – you’re just big boned” (Ref: Southpark)
HB: OMG!!!!!…
Me: “Look – see how small my wrists are compared to yours?” (I’m a thin guy with small bones, and I’m kinoing the fuck out of her while I do this)
HB: “C’mon!!!!!”
Another SHB walks by at this point. My HB says the following:
HB: “I asked him if I looked fat, and he said I had big bones!!!!!! ( in a pouty voice)”
SHB: “Once when I asked a guy that, he told me “yes, but it’s baby fat, and it looks great on you.””
Me: “HAHAHAHAHAHA, that’s a good one, I’m gonna remember that one”
After Yoga:
HB: “Do you think I’m fat?????”
Me: “Not for a pregnant woman”
HB: HEY!!!!!
Again, later
HB: “Do you think I’m fat?????”
Me: “Yea, but it’s baby fat, and it looks great on you!!!”
HB: “Godammit, answer the question!!!!
Me: “I already told you….not for a pregnant woman”
ETC….this crap goes on for a while, and we part.
A couple of hours later, I check my voice mail:
HB: “Do you think I’m fat????”
The point is this –
The key to dealing with tests is to either reverse or steal the frame. This can be fun – you can use them to build rapport, and cement your dominance over the HB

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Vicious Ladies

The article is kinda BS, with typical tropes about teen girls gone wild, etc, but if you read between the lines there are some serious insights into the world of women to be gleaned. Specifically, how young girls use their attractiveness to exercise social power and control. A couple of key points stood out for me:
1) If you think that women use ASD in response to what MEN will think of them, guess again. According to the article, the fastest way to get kicked out of the crew is fuck a guy at a party. "ho's" and "trashy" girls get kicked out.
2) Look at the "Vicious Secret" Party Flyer. Innocent Disney Characters bending over lifting their skirts and showing their ass cracks and G-strings. There is also a flyer titled "Hello Pussy" showing Hello Kitty with huge tits…
Q: Why do these girls kick out sluts while advertising their get-togethers with sexually provocative images?
These crews (and women in general) rely on sexuality to control their social circles. Specifically, they tease. As soon as one of the crew actually fucks a guy or guys, she undermines the power of the group, and is kicked out. Hence it is the dominant women in the group who exercise social control over the sexual behavior of the lesser members.
Just like feminists are fond of pointing out that rape is a crime perpetrated by men motivated by power and control, and not about sex per se, I'd say that the tease is a similar strategy used by women to gain social status and control over men.
I love going out to bars and watching this in action :-)
The tease is not about sex...and this is what AFCs fail to recognize. They chase the teaser mistaking her behavior as a sexual come-on rather than the power play it actually is. They then get angry when the girl leaves them with blue balls This leads to all sorts of problems from drunken fights to date rape.
If AFCs were better trained to recognize the tease for the ploy that it is, they could ignore it or use negs to negate it.

One of the most striking things in the article is just how much pressure the crew exerts on it's members. It must be crushing to be a girl on the fringes.:(
The article is outwardly about a young member of the crew who gets murdered. It amazing to me how callous the head of the crew is regarding this. She basically blames the girl for running with a different group!
As a side note, it is also interesting that the media, even the "alternative" media only focuses on the murder of a young woman is she is attractive or "cute".
The article reminded me of how tough women have it sometimes. If a woman is unattractive, her social options in life are pretty limited. If she is cute, but has a high sex drive and acts on it, she will be ostracized.