Thursday, March 20, 2008

Seduction as a "field process:

Seduction can be thought of much like chess – overall strategy is more important than any particular move.

My primary sarging ground is a coffee shop where I run day game. I have noticed that moves made in one context often effect another. Women will assume that a woman I’m talking to is interested in me, even if I just met her, or if she is simply a friend. This raises my social value, prompting her to give me IOI’s. I can then approach, and like climbing a ladder other women see me with a new woman, and the cycle repeats.

The point is this –
AFCs try to discourage women who they are not attracted to from showing affection towards them. They will often not even talk to such women or give them the brush off, while panting like puppies over the hottest chick in the place. They focus on ONE woman to the exclusion of all others, and this is their downfall.

Try to view PU and seduction as a “field process” where you create and influence a bubble of attraction and interaction around yourself. This is your field of influence. It requires MULTIPLE interactions. Do not expect immediate results from any particular interaction – just persist in creating a positive vibe with ALL women, and sooner or later one or more will start to chase you.
An example of this involves the two pivots who I’ve been gaming – See my “Broken Heart” thread. As an experiment, I told each pivot that I was in love with the other. I did not know where it would lead, but I knew that by reversing frames and giving the illusion of scarcity to both, that one or the other would make a move.
The happy result was this:

I laid HB8 last weekend, and told HB9 as much. Now HB9 is chasing because she is afraid to lose me to HB8. HB8 chased because I told her I loved HB9. I told HB8 that I saw HB9 today – I even introduced the two of them to each other last week.
Both had LJBFed me, so I created a field where I was scarce….and where each HB believes the other HB is after me, and me after her.
Anyone want to take bets on how long it take HB9 to make a move on me?

I have several other situations at work that have evolved in similar ways – I actually have several HB9s competing with each other to qualify themselves to me – I’d like to fuck all of them, but then I risk losing my job ;-)

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